Saturday, August 22, 2009

It's 3AM chatter....

With the crazy week I've had, I should be sound asleep....but no, I just got done checking my {FB} and now I'm blogging lol. I haven't blogged since baby {E} was born, so here goes an attempt at an update.

I updated my photoblog. The most recent post is pretty deep hehe Now I'm thinking that people might get the wrong impression. BUT I figure, as long as I know what I'm talking about, then it's all geezy {good}.

I have worked about 50 hours this week at my day job ( My sis-in-law Megan is now working with me. She's doing a great job and I am happy that she's happy working there as well. Our company is growing like a weed, it's insane. So I'm definitely glad to be a part of this growing company, and under the care of a boss who's AMAZING and down to earth :) I haven't taken any pictures lately, but I plan on doing that probably this weekend because I need pics of my babies.

Noa started school this last Thursday. He is in Mrs. Bethel's class. Unfortunately, he is not in the same class as his cousin Iuli and Tina. But he's ok with that because he has tons of friends from his Kindergarten class, who are now in his 1st grade class. He LOVES and I mean LOVES school lunch! Which, I'm soooo grateful for. He is riding the bus this year, he's been begging us to so we were happy to oblige this year.

Tui will be starting school this coming Thursday. I am so nervous for her. She has her test thingy this coming Tuesday with her new teacher, who was Noa's Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Rodas. She is also SISTER Rodas to us, as she's in our ward too-hollah! LOL Mrs. Rodas is the bomb and I respect her and teachers all around for the work that they do. I appreciate you guys!

Popo is still Popo. He is wanting to play xbox more, due to the fact that he discovered you can download demos for dang near every single game on Live. HAHA I am contemplating putting him in day care while the other two are at school...but still not sure yet.

Mani is still the Director of Customer Support at and I'm so proud of him. He hired Natalie a couple weeks ago and he brags about how great she is all the time :) Wholesalematch is growing as well and we're just truly blessed to be thriving in this economy.

Ok I think that's it...oh yeah! And a picture:

This is a pic I took at Omi's workshop. The model here is Angel Moleni. I went to high school with her and her sister Crystal (K-town hollah! lol). Crystal was also a model there. It was great to see them again. I remember how funny they were in high school, every one liked them. Anyway, was feeling colorful and dirty at the same time, so that's what I decided to do with this photo. I think I still like the original better...I'll post that another time.

Ok already, I have to go to bed so I can continue my cleaning spree.


1 comment:

Rachey-Foo said...

thanks for the update!!! i freakin' miss you. i know you're working like a mad dog and training and all that but still yet....can't you squeeeeeeze in some QT with me and the girls??? i'm talking MY GIRLS! lol. hello, I am a mother of TWO!! kuhrazeeee days. i love how the pic is colorful and dirty!! hhaha, too funny!! ohhh, you gotta check out the PYP blog too. i got 25 free prints from Walgreens (4x6 size) and a free 8x10 scrapbook page. holla!!! FOR FREE!! anyways, i miss yer stinkin guts.
ring me, ding me, do me cordless!! whatever works just HOLLA!! muaaah!