Monday, September 7, 2009

Lagoon, Disney's first cousin

As you know, I do things very spur of the moment. Ask anybody, especially my in-laws, poor things. I swear I change my mind like a girl changes clothes (oiiish, what song is that??). I'm HORRIBLE, sorry let me bold that, HORRIBLE, at planning anything. I try, I swear I do...but I like so many different things and I am so stinkin' bi-polar!! (In a good way of course lol). Anywho, we were lucky enough to come across some free Lagoon tickets (thanks J and b!). So off we went to Lagoon at around 1:30ish. At first the kids were like, "We don't want to go to Lagoon...we wanna go to Disneyland!! So like any good parent would, I told the kids that Lagoon is Disney's first cousin. HAHA All in unison, they were like, "Ohhhhhhh...".

Now, I'm a scaredy cat. But only since I've become a mommy have I turned in to a scaredy cat. So I was worried that my kids would be freaking out and not want to ride on any rides. Boy was I wrong. They wanted to go on EVERY ride (well Tui and Po wanted to go on every kid ride). Noa and I rode on "Wicked" together...wicked has over a 100 ft drop....INSANE!!!!!! He rode behind me, and I nearly cried RIGHT before we blasted off. Probably was still crying but you couldn't tell as the wind blasting in my face dried all my tears (thank u). When we got off, I grabbed my Bubba and hugged him tight...but I was shocked to find him laughing and so happy!! I could have sworn he'd be crying and afraid to go on any other rides even remotely as scary as "Wicked". But I was wrong, he rode Colossus right after hehe I'm so glad my kids are not scaredy cats like me, and I don't ever want to hold them back.

Anyway, we had a BLAST and I am so happy that we went. We not have a new tradition: Lagoon every Labor Day weekend----Hollah!! I gotta lose weight by next Labor Day for sure hehe



Sue said...

Glad you guys had a blast together!!

Anonymous said...

Haha! Disneyland's 1st cousin. I love it!

hine.T said...

LMBO! I need to add that tradition and meet up with you guys next Labor Day!